The report is an action plan for the Republic Day from October 10-14.
In order to form Kazakhstani patriotism, active
citizenship, patriotic consciousness of students, events dedicated to the Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan were held at Kondratovskaya Secondary School. This is a special day for the citizens of our country.
The following events were held in the first week.
1. A thematic exhibition of books was arranged, which was prepared by the librarian of the school Tiunova O.V. where the students of the school were able to get acquainted and studied the topic "Tugan elim - Kazakstanym".
2. Class teachers from grades 1 to 11 conducted environmental class hours in various forms: games, round tables, conversations, quizzes.
3. An environmental campaign was organized to plant trees "Zhana Kazakhstan. Taza Tabigat", a member of the "Council of Fathers", senior forester Bodaev N.K., provided assistance in organizing the action.