At the beginning of the 2022-2023 academic year, there are 128 students from grades 1-11 in Kondratovskaya Secondary school, 10 students of the CHECKPOINT and 20 pupils of the Yerketai mini-center at Kondratovskaya Secondary School.
There are 63 students on free transportation (20 students from the village ).Borovskoye, 5 students from pt 2603 km, 38 students from the Elevator.)
On free meals, who eat at the expense of the Universal Education Fund, 29 students and 4 students are fed free of charge by IP Abileva (one-day amount of 500 tenge, per child)
Quality for the 1st half of the year 56.8% (18 excellent students, 45 percussionists, 48 triples students.)