Talasbayeva Botagoz Yerkenovna | Director
Talasbayeva Botagoz Yerkenovna
icon Director
We are glad to welcome you on the official website of our school. The site is addressed to everyone who is interested in knowing how our educational institution lives. It is created for you, dear Parents, beloved Students and Teachers, just Guests of the site.
A lot of things change in our school from year to year, but one thing remains unchanged: the school still exists only for children and tries to give children and their parents a space of well-being, success and safety.
Our school is a big, reliable, warm house, where there is work and rest, holidays and weekdays, and most importantly, good traditions. The cooperation of teachers, students and their parents, based on mutual respect and mutual assistance, is the key to success.
Our school is a unique educational institution - after all, it is a school of Success: we do not struggle with shortcomings, we develop advantages. It is a school of equal but diverse opportunities. We claim that there are no unsuccessful people. Everyone can achieve success if they are given the appropriate opportunities. We provide such opportunities to everyone.
This is an institution where traditional, well-established teaching methods are actively used.
This is a school that has created a special, emotionally attractive environment. The bright atmosphere of school–wide holidays, contests and events, concerts, festivals, creative games - that's what teachers and students of our school live by.
Do you want to know more? Welcome to our website.
We can still tell you a lot about our school. The information on its pages will allow you to get acquainted with the history of our school, its traditions and values, the successes and
achievements of our students in studies, sports, and art. We are always open and will be glad if the site becomes a continuation of communication with our team.
Dear friends! We invite you to become our regular visitors and interested interlocutors, because your suggestions will largely determine what our school will be like tomorrow!
Talasbayeva Botagoz Yerkenovna
user Director
We are glad to welcome you on the official website of our school. The site is addressed to everyone who is interested in knowing how our educational institution lives. It...
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